eastern water dragon

Eastern Water Dragons are one of the more kick-ass reptiles in the Sydney area. Growing up to almost a metre long, and with mouths full of needle sharp teeth, they’re everything a predatory lizard should be. You find them in the middle of suburbia, really anywhere that has water and some bushland will be filled with them.

inverted gecko

Geckos who can hang upside down on surfaces. It’s rally amazing how they do this, microscopic hairs that exploit molecular attraction, sort of like atomic velcro.


One of the funny things about Queensland is the suburban wildlife. At noosa for example, you have scrub turkeys (imagine a normal turkey, basically a wild version) wandering around the main street in the mornings. The other thing is geckos. Little, tiny, semi-translucent geckos.

a rural river

My father used to own a small farm property, and it had a river running through it. This was when rivers tended to have at least some water in them.

What I really like about this image is the tree in the foreground as compared to the background. From memory this is only a 90 degree field of view.

glebe point waterfront

This is, or at least was one of my favourite fishing locations, but they changed the lighting, so the water isn’t as well illuminated at night. As a result this wonderful location, such a short drive from home has more or less shut down.

Still, it’s a pretty picture. It’s also one of the most polluted places in Sydney, the sediments being filled with all sorts of crap from a hundred years worth of industrial use.

enmore design centre

This is the design college I was studying and working at for a while. It’s right down the bottom of the street I was living on at the time. Which was convenient to say the least.

trees of newtown cemetery

One great thing about these old cemeteries, they can often represent the last remaining areas of tree cover in densely populated inner city suburbs.

This is a nice vista of the whole area inside the graveyard walls.

a graveyard corner

This is an early attempt at a high dynamic range image. It’s a bit difficult to make out, but the location of the image is in the back of a very tight corner at one edge of the graveyard.

See all those headstones against the wall. Oh yes “You son of a bitch. You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies, didn’t you? You son of a bitch, you left the bodies and you only moved the head stones. You only moved the head stones. Why? Why?”.

trees and graves

Unfortunately I only shot one set of exposures for this, and no nadir frame.

I may have to reshoot it to get a high dynamic range image, but that will be difficult given the tendency of trees to move in the slightest breeze. either way, it’s a nice image as it is.