2024 – Week 4

Some major reorganisation at storage, as I prepare to bring C45C4D3 home for rest and recuperation, and hopefully repair.

Went down to Bunnings at Maroochydore, and picked up a circular saw so I could cut up my old desk top, so that it can be carted out to the tip. If I need another big desk, I’ll go for something nicer than melamine chipboard.

Also, I managed to check out the (correct) camera at the camera store around the corner from Bunnings while I was there. It was in very nice condition, and coincidently, a 20% off sale for secondhand gear had started since I was there last. So, I picked up the camera, & a 2 year warranty / protection plan, all for a couple of hundred less than I’d been planning on spending for the camera in the first place.

Once I got it home, I realised it’s shutter count is a couple of hundred fewer than mine, so it’s likely been relatively lightly used. So huzzah all around.

I eventually sawed up my old desk – yet another thing I hauled from Sydney to here, and never used. To the tip it went.

Then, I managed to make a mess of my newly cleaned storage, looking for a tripod adapter plate for my camera. I tore a bunch of storage boxes apart, and my bedroom drawers, before finally finding it folded inside something else, in the first place I’d looked. So, by Sunday, I was cleaning up storage again.