2024 – Week 7

So I purchased a panel dolly…

…in the hope it would make it easier for me to bump out my sculpture from the Library’s Makerspace. It’s annoying I have to do this, and it will no doubt add to the collection of industrial equipment I own, pay to store, and don’t use, BUT it’s necessary.

Unfortunately, trying to organise a timeframe to get access to the library to remove the work is proving more difficult than I would have hoped.

Strange thing that happened Wednesday – a producer from Channel 7 Brisbane got in touch with me, asking if I’d like to be interviewed & filmed, to present comment about a new class action lawsuit being launched against Apple, on behalf of consumers over app prices being raised due to a lack of competition in payment processing. They wanted to film me “working” to go with my interview question answers.

It was odd, but didn’t end up going ahead, I suspect because the issue was more complex than they’d originally believed it to be.

Thursday my mother left for several months caravanning, so I am on my blissful lonesome, which makes things a bit easier if I want to do any work etc.