2024 – Week 10

Came home from Brisbane, to find one of the air scrubbers needs its filter replaced. So I ordered a new one.  Went around and cleaned out all the particulate filters from the other scrubbers – it’s kindof like living in a space station.

Did domestic stuff – ordering groceries, bulk-buying Japanese Whisky.

Thursday I picked up a new scrubber filter, and my whisky. Out in my mask, with delivery to my car.

Friday, I was once again picking up air scrubber filters, because the bedroom scrubbers decided to switch to filter replacement mode at about 2 in the morning. I waited outside the shop for direct to car delivery, but the staff had ignored the alert, because they though it was a glitch repeat of yesterday’s pickup.

Had wonderful takeout on the weekend – bought sushi  from a local place for the first time in ages, a place I haven’t been since Covid came to town.