2024 – Week 12

Monday: Research stuff, did some tidying around the house. Organised to chat with a friend about some scripting stuff for this podcast idea of RSS feeds from folders. Did a razor shave of my head.

Tuesday: More house tidying, waited around for a termite inspection guy to turn up, but he was a no-show.

Wednesday: Started looking back at Surfing The Deathline, and found problems with the last update, so I took the opportunity to think deeply about the output process, and map it out in my flowcharting software.

Thursday: Had a chat with a friend about trying to figure out a scripting solution to create RSS feeds from local folders, to act as an intermediary for podcasting, so you can build feeds out of arbitrary folder contents.

Friday: Mostly spent writing up the spec document for the aforementioned podcasting tool.

The big news announced towards the end of the week was the US DOJ bringing an antitrust suit against Apple.