animal teapot

Here’s one of my three teapots.

It’s constructed as a wheel thrown bowl, that’s deformed, and has a top added, along with the fins that are moulded to fit the thumb and middle finger. The lid is a little thrown and turned bowl which could theoretically be filled with milk to warm as the tea draws. The lid stays level as you tilt the pot under it, and you pretty much have to go past vertical to get it to fall out.

If you click the image, give it a bit to load the Quicktime file. It’ll let you drag the view around once it’s loaded.


A time-lapse shot of my laptop running its screensaver. Though shot on film, I used a digital camera to get the aperture / and timing settings right before committing a film shot.

regulator xray

The same setup, but with a chest xray hung between the camera and the regulator. It would be interesting to shoot with backlighting behind the whole thing.


This is the regulator for my airbrush. I like the shadow was set so that it had this creepyness, it lurks there behind the regulator itself.

gatehouse 2

Another shot of the reservoir gatehouse. Also burned to darken the sky down.

In theory, it’s bad to have the edges (or any part) of the image left paper-white. At least, that’s what my photography teachers said.